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书面表达满分15分请根据下面的提示写一篇介绍鲁迅的100字左右的文章。1. 鲁迅生于浙

2020-10-19 19:45:04

Lu Xun is a very famous short story writer in China. Born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, he received a traditional education. In 1902, he went to Japan where he studied Japanese language and then medicine. Four years later, he dropped out of the school to devote himself entirely to writing.At the same time, Lu Xun is chiefly known for his stories in the western countries, which have been translated into more than a dozen languages. In brief, in his lifetime Lu Xun managed to maintain his status as an independent writer and established his special fame in the history of China.

书面表达满分15分请根据下面的提示写一篇介绍鲁迅的100字左右的文章。1. 鲁迅生于浙江省绍兴 受过传统的中国教育。 1902年去日本学习日语和医学。190 – 新东方在线网络课堂



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