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如何增强阅读能力 How to improve reading ability

2020-11-06 18:20:02

四级英语作文:如何增强阅读能力 How to improve reading ability

The subtle but profound impact of reading on one s personal growth has never been so highly valued as it is today, as an integral part of the process of self education, with an increasing emphasis on the quality of overall development.

So why has the importance of reading attracted so much attention? The reasons behind this phenomenon are as follows: first, it is worth noting that the benefits obtained from reading are obvious, allowing the reader to enrich his knowledge. What s more, we can t ignore that reading plays an indispensable role in ensuring readers keep up with the news. To a large extent, it is no exaggeration to say that the importance of reading cannot be overemphasized, which undoubtedly has a positive impact on the habit of lifelong learning.

In a word, it boils down to that in order to keep up with the development of society, it is wise for each individual to enhance reading as well as to take practical measures, such as using attention and planning a monthly reading list, in order to maintain individual welfare and prosperity.







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