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每个人都有幸运和不幸的时候在你的记忆中你所经历的最糟糕的一天是什么样子的 英语作

2020-11-13 16:10:01

第一篇:写自己生活中的一件事 一件难忘的事 在我最向往的地方――学校,发生了许许多多的事情,令人珍惜,令人难忘,令人高兴,令人伤心。其中有一件深深地印在我的脑海里,至今想起来还有些后怕,就像昨天刚刚发生似的。 那是一个星期一的下午,放学后,作为值日生组长的我,连忙组织大家打扫卫生。有的拖地,有的扫地,有的擦黑板,有的搬凳子,七手八脚地忙了一通。哎!总算是干完了。大家背着书包走出教室。 下了教学楼,我突然瞅见了草坪里的假山。平日里,许多同学都去爬,虽然我也很想去,但我怕被值勤老师发现,又怕被值周和督导扣分,所以一直没敢去。现在值勤老师走了,值周和督导回家了,不正是个好机会吗?我想着,便把书包放在地上,自己跑进了草坪。 我不费吹灰之力便爬了上去,这时我感觉自己仿佛高高在上,于是双手叉腰,神气活现地站在上面,站了一会儿,我感觉不过瘾,于是开始“金鸡独立”,一只脚抬起,还学着孙悟空的样子,把一只手搭在前额上向远处眺望。我越来越得意,索性闭上眼睛,张开两臂乱舞一通。正当我得意忘形时,突然感到重心不稳。呀,美丽的“金鸡”掉下来了。幸好下面是草坪,我只把腿瞌青了,要不然,还不知道我会被摔成什么样子呢! 以后,我永远不要再做这样的傻事了。 A memorable event In my most desirable places schools, there were so many things, it is treasure, an unforgettable, happy, sad. Among them, an engraved in my mind, think of it so far there are scared, just like just happened yesterday. It was a Monday afternoon, after school, as the head attendant, I hastened to organize cleaning. Some trailers and some sweeping, some effaceurs, some move stool, a phone is busy. Hey! Is finally done everything he had. We carry bags out of the classroom. A teaching building, I suddenly saw a lawn in the rockery. On weekdays, many students climb, although I also want to go, but I fear the teacher on duty discovered that the value of weeks have been afraid of and supervision of the offense, so has dared to go. The teacher on duty now gone, the value of weeks and supervision of home is not exactly a good chance? I thought, put bags on the ground that he ran into the lawn. I then climbed up anything, when I feel as if their own high, high and mighty above stood, and stood for a while, I feel not enough, they begin to "Golden Rooster independence," one leg lifted, but also to learn of the Monkey King like a hand on the forehead to the distant view. I am more and more complacent, simply close their eyes and open arms. Just when I am carried away, suddenly felt the focus of instability. Yes, the beautiful "Golden Rooster" come fall. Fortunately, the following is the lawn, I just throw Green a leg, otherwise, I do not know what will be jumped it! Since then, I will never do such a foolish.第二篇:描写自己最糟糕的一天 糟糕的一件事!今天就要期末考试了! 我十分紧张。一大早就向车站走去。不一会儿车就来了,我一看是“7”路。我走了进去,等经过大桥的时候,车忽然来了个急转弯,我一拍头,想:“不对啊,到学校需要直走啊!”我问了问旁边的一位老爷爷这是几路车?老爷爷说是27路。我一听心都到嗓子眼里了,我急忙下车向学校跑去。我已刘翔的速度跑到了学校。啊,太好了,没有迟到,我高兴地蹦了起来! 回家的路上我告诫自己以后再也不能粗心大意了!Bad thing! Today will be a final exam! I am very tense. Early in the morning went to the station. In a moment the car came, I saw a "7" Road. I have taken that into account, such as through the bridge when the car suddenly made a sharp turn to, as soon as I shoot first, think: "No, ah, ah to the schools need to go straight!" I asked a question next to it is a grandfather a few road cars? Grandfather said to be 27 Road. I have a heart to the throat eyes, I hurried off to the school run. I have the speed of Liu Xiang ran the school. Ah, good, not late, I am pleased to bounce up! I warned his way home after their own can no longer be a careless!只会2个

每个人都有幸运和不幸的时候在你的记忆中你所经历的最糟糕的一天是什么样子的 英语作文 日记格式



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