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2020-11-16 21:30:01




personal resume 个人简历

job application 工作申请书

part-time job兼职

social practice 社会实践

format 格式

semester/term 学期

a company for international trading 国际贸易公司/外贸公司


apply for a position 申请职位

be familiar with 熟悉某事

intend to do sth 策划/想做某事

look forward to…期待某事

best regards 最好的祝福,诚挚的问候,致敬



In this way, we never consider learning as a difficult task. 通过这种方式,我们从不觉得学习是件难事.


As①it is getting close to the end of the semester and we need to find a part-time job for social practice, I intend to②apply one position in a company for international trading.

as引导的原因状语从句,表示附带说明的"双方已知的原因",语气比since弱,较为正式,位置较为灵活(常放于主句之前).intend to…意图做…


So can you do me a favor ①to correct the mistakes of the words and format in these materials attached②in the e-mail?

do sb a favor帮助某人,本句表示寻求帮助

attached为过去分词作后置定语,表示被动,是指材料"被附加在邮件"上,主语为the material.


Dear Ms Jenkins,

Here is Li Hua. First of all, please accept my sincere appreciation for bringing us so many wonderful classes which I really enjoy during this semester. You are such an excellent teacher who always managed to make us learn from fun. In this way, we never consider learning as a difficult task.【高分句型一】(问好)Secondly, I want to ask you for help. As it is getting close to the end of the semester and we need to find a part-time job for social practise, I intend to apply one position in a company for international trading.【高分句型二】It is the first time for me to apply for a job, I am not quite familiar with the format of the resume and the job application which I have prepared. So can you do me a favor to correct the mistakes of the words and format in these materials attached in the e-mail?【高分句型三】I will be very grateful for your help. Millions of thanks.(说明写信原因)

I am looking forward to your reply. Please reply me before the date of 11th, October.(表达感谢)

Best regards,

Li Hua




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