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2020-11-20 17:25:01

1.交付;交货 delivery

2.交货日期 delivery date;date of delivery

3.交货到现场 delivery to jobsite

4.交货周期 lead time

5.交货单 delivery note

6.提货单 delivery order

7.提货单 bill of lading

8.离岸价 free on board[FOB]

9.铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail[FOR];free on truck[FOT]

10.成本加运费(价) cost and freight[CFR]或[CIF]

11.到岸价 cost insurance and freight;costinsurance freight[CIF]

12.船边交货(价) free alongside ship[FAS]

13.货交承运人(价) free carrier[FCA]

14.工厂交货(价) ex works[EXW]

15.估算;费用估算 estimate;cost estimate

16.估算方法类别 types of estimate

17.详细估算(法) detailed estimate;defined estimate

18.设备详细估算(法);确切估算(法)equipment estimate;defined equipment estimate definitive estimate

19.设备估算(法) equipment estimate

20.分析估算(法) analysis estimate

21.报价估算 proposal estimate

22.控制估算 control estimate

23.初期控制估算 interim control estimate;initial control estimate[ICE]

24.批准的控制估算 initial approved cost[IAC]

25.核定估算 check estimate...

26.首次核定估算 first check estimate[FCE]

27.二次核定估算 production check estimate[PCE]

28.人工时估算man- hour estimate

29.证书;证明书 certificate

30.产地证明书 certificate of origin

31.机械竣工证书 mechanical completion certificate

32.用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书 client acceptance certificate(of plant)

33.材料;直接材料 material, direct

34.设备 equipment

35.散装材料 bulk materials;commodities

36.材料分类 material class

37.材料统计 material take-off[MTO]

38.材料表;材料清单· bill of materials[BOM]

39.材料管理 material management

40.材料控制 materia| control

41.进度进度表;进度计划 schedule

42.进展;进度;实物进度 progress;physical progress

43.编织进度表 scheduling;time scheduling

44.(项目)初期工作进度计划 starter schedule;early work schedule

45.项目主进度计划 project master schedule;master project schedule

46.详细进度计划;详细进度表 detailed schedule


48.里程碑网络图 milestone network

49.详细网络图 detailed network

50.关键线路法 critical path method[CPM]

51.关键工序;关键活动 critical activity

52.工序;活动 activity


54.里程碑 milestone

55.进度控制 schedule control;progress control...

56.进度曲线;S曲线 progress curve;“s” curve

57.资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve;Bell curve

58.进度提前 ahead of schedule

59.进度拖延 schedule delay

60.违约 default

61.违约通知(书) default notice

62.(违约)罚款条款 penalty clause

63.违约罚金 liquidated damages

64.运费 freight[Frt];carriage

65.运费付讫 freight paid;carriage free;carriage paid

66.运费待收;货到收运费 freight collect;freight to be collected;reight payable at destination

67.运费预付 freight prepaid;advance(d)freight

68.货到付运费;运费未付 freight forward;carriage forward

69.运费担保函 freight indemnity

70.运费单 freight note

71.运输商;承运商 forwarding agent

72.采购 procurement

73.采买 purchasing

74.催交 expediting

75.检验 inspection

76.工艺包 process package

77.工艺设计 process design

78.工艺发表 process release

79.工艺预发表 process release

80.工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work;project scope

81.工作包 work package

82.工作项 Work item

83.任务单项 line item

84.分解结构 breakdown structure

85.工作分解结构 work breakdown structure[WBS]

86.组织分解结构 organizational breakdownstructure [ObS]

87.项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure [PSWBS]

88.承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractors standard work breakdown structure [CSWBS]

89.责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix [RAM]


91.风险分析 risk analysis

92.风险备忘录 risk memorandum

93.公司本部 home office

94.公司本部服务 home office service

95.公用工程 utility


97.项目计划 project plan

98.(项目)设计计划( project) engineering plan

99.(项目)采购计划( project) procurement plan

100.(项目)施工计划( project) construction plan

101.(项目)开车计划 ( project)start-up plan



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