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2020-11-26 15:00:01

1.专利 patents

2.专利权 patent right

3.产权技术 proprietary technology

4.专利技术 licensed technology

5.专有技术技术诀窍 know how

6.许可证 license

7.专利商;许可方 licensor

8.受许可方;受让方 licensee

9.(技术)转让费;提成费 royalty

10.专有技术费know- how fee

11.专业 discipline

12.工艺(专业) process design;process engineering

13.系统(专业) systems engineering

14.设备(专业) equipment engineering

15.布置(专业) plant,layout engineering

16.管道设计(专业) piping design

17.仪表(专业) Instruments engineering

18.管道机械(专业) piping mechanical engineering

19.电气(专业) electrical engineering

20.建筑(专业) architectural engineering

21.土建(专业) civil engineering

22.试车 commIssioning

23.开车 start-up

24.料试车 start-up;test run;initial operations formance guarantee tests

25.性能考核;生产考核 test run

26.用户验收;装置验收 client acceptance;plant acceptance

27.支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment;conditions of payment ;terms and conditions of payment

29.预付款 advance payment;down payment

30.按实物进度付款 progress payment

31.按日程进度付款 schedule payment

32.保留金 retention money

33.最终付款 final payment


35.组码 group code

36.标准分类记帐码;记帐码 standard classification of account numbers[SCAN];account codes;code of accounts

37.可变码 variable code optional variable code

38.通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]

39.未可预见费 contingency

40.发表 issue;release

41.汇票 bill of exchange;draft

42.议付汇票 bill of negotiation

43.业主 owner

44.用户;客户 client

45.设计:工程设计 design, engineering

46.设计阶段 engineering phase

47.工艺设计阶段 process design phase

48.基础工程设计阶段 basic engineering phase

49.分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase

50.平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase

51.详细工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase;final design phase;production engineering phase

53.会议 meeting

54.开工会议kick-off meeting

55.报价开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting

56.用户开工会议 client kick-off meeting

57.项目开工会议 project kick-off meeting

58.设计开工会议 engineering kick-off meeting

59.施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting

60.审核会 review meeting

61.合同承包 contract

62.合同生效日期 effective date of the contract

63.合同终止 termination of contract

64.合同失效 frustration of contract

65.总价合同lump-sum contract[LS]

66.(固定)单价合同(fixed) unit price contract

67.偿付合同;成本加酬金合同(cost))reimbursible contract; cost-plus(fee)contract[CP]

68.成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed feecontract[ CPFF]

69.偿付合同;成本加酬金合同(cost)reimbursible contract;cost-plus(fee)contract[ CP]

70.成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed fee contract[CPFF]

71.成本加浮动酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract;cost plus sliding scale fee contract(target)cost plus fee contract,with the bonus or penalty

72.目标成本加奖罚合同;限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加酬金合同 reimbursible guaranteed maximum price contract[RGMP];guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract

73.承包商 contractor

74.分包商 subcontractor

75.合营企业 joint venture[JV]

76.运输 traffic;transport

77.报关单 bill of entry

78.报告 report


9.(项目)进展月报(job) monthly progress report

80.费用和进展月报 monthly cost& progress report

81.设计进展月报 engineering monthly progress report

82.项目费用汇总报告 project cost summary report

83.项目实施费用状态报告 project operation cost status report

84.变进度报告 schedule report

85.控制索引 control index

86.执行效果报告 performance report

87.劳动生产率报告 productivity report...

88.异常报告 exception report

89.材料异常报告 material exception report[MER];equipment& materials exception report

90.采购状态报告 procurement status report

91.材料状态报告 material status report

92.请购单和订单状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report

93.供货厂商图纸状态报告vendor drawing status report;vendor data schedulin status report

显示评论内容(3) 收起评论内容
  1. 2022-02-26 04:56こFreedomこ[广西网友]IP:607355754
  2. 2020-12-15 11:56落花成殇[辽宁省网友]IP:3407779911
  3. 2019-10-04 18:55对流星许愿[山东省网友]IP:736107215


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