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ChinaAutoRegs|GB 36220

2020-12-07 04:15:01

GB 36220-2018 英文版/English/翻译

GB 36220-2018 英文版/English/翻译/运油车辆和加油车辆安全技术条件

Safety Technical Requirements of Oil Transport Tankers and Refueling Tankers


This standard specifies the terms and definitions, safety requirements and safety signs and markings of oil transport tankers and refueling tankers.

This standard is applicable to the oil transport tankers and refueling tankers, oil tanker semi-trailers and refueling tanker semi-trailers (hereinafter referred to as “road tanker”), retrofitted on a type-approved vehicle chassis and loaded with the diesel fuel or heating oil, light (UN No. 1202), motor spirit or gasoline or petrol (UN No. 1203), kerosene (UN No. 1223) as defined in GB 12268.

This standard is not applicable to the plane refuellers.


The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the editions cited apply. For undated references, the latest editions of the normative document (including any amendments) apply.

GB 1495 Limits and measurement methods for noise emitted by accelerating motor vehicles

GB 1589 Limits of dimensions, axle load and masses for motor vehicles, trailers and combination vehicles

GB/T 3730.3 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Dimensions of vehicles -Terms and definitions

GB/T 4208 Degrees of protection provided by enclosure (IP code)

GB 4351.1 Portable fire extinguishers - Part 1: Performance and construction

GB 4785 Prescription for installation of the external lighting and light-signaling devices for motor vehicles and their trailers

GB 7258 Technical Specifications for Safety of Power-Driven Vehicles Operating on Roads

GB 11567 Side, Rear and Underrun Protection Requirements for Motor Vehicles and Trailers

GB 12268 List of dangerous goods

GB 12676 Technical requirements and testing methods for commercial vehicle and trailer braking systems

GB/T 18411 Power-driven vehicles manufacturer’s plate

GB 18564.1 Road tanker for dangerous liquid goods transportation - Part1: Technical requirements of atmospheric pressure metal tank

GB/T 19056 Vehicle Travel Data Recorder

GB 20300 Safety Specifications for Road Transportation Vehicle of Explosive Substance and Chemical Toxic Substance

GB 20951-2007 Emission standard of air pollutant for gasoline transport

GB 21668-2008 Provisions of vehicles for the carriage of dangerous goods with regard to their specific constructional features

GB/T 24545 Requirement of speed limitation system for motor vehicles

JT 230 Rubber belt of electrostatic conductivity

JT/T 794 GNSS system for operating vehicles - Technical specification for vehicle terminals

QC/T 518 Tightening torque for automotive threaded fasteners

QC/T 932 Emergency shutoff valve of road tanker for dangerous liquid goods transportation

QC/T 1061 Road tanker for light fuel transportation-Overfill prevention system

QC/T 1062 Road tanker for light fuel transportation-adaptor for bottom loading and unloading

QC/T 1063 Road tanker for light fuel transportation-Vapor recovery system

QC/T 1064 Road tanker for flammable liquid goods transportation-Pressure and vacuum breather vent

QC/T 1065 Road tanker for flammable liquid goods transportation-Manhole cover

1 范围


本标准适用于采用定型汽车底盘改装的,装运GB 12268 界定的柴油或轻质燃料油(UN 号1202)、车用汽油或汽油(UN 号1203)、煤油(UN 号1223)的运油车、加油车,以及运油半挂车、加油半挂车(以下简称油车)。


4.1.1 油车的外廓尺寸、轴荷及质量限值应符合GB 1589 的规定,轴荷分配合理,且轴荷及总质量应小于或等于底盘的允许限值。

4.1.2 油车在满载、静态状态下,向左侧和右侧倾斜最大侧倾稳定角应大下或等下23。

4.1.3 汹车的制动性能应符合GB 7258 和GB 12676 的规定。

4.1.4 讪车的后悬应符合GB 7258 的规定。

4.1.5 袖车应设咒符合GB 11567 规定的侧面和后下部防护装置,油车的瞄体及罐体上的管路和管路附件不应超:I I 侧面防护装置,由车的后下音rs 防护装置内侧与罐体后封头及恤体肩部的管路和附件外端面在长度方向垂直投彤的距离应大干或等于150 mm 。

4.1.6 油车的外部照明和光信号装置的数量、位置与光色应符合GB 4785 的规定,电缆接头应符合GB/T 4208 规定的IP 54 防护等级的要求。

4.1.7 1向车两侧备应至少配备一只大于或等于4 国的车用手提式灭火嘛,灭火都应符合GB 4351.1 的规定,且安装牢报、取放方便。

4.1.8 1向车的行驶睐卢应符合GB 149 5 的规定。

4.1.9 加AA 车辆在额定流盘加油时,泵袖系统噪声应不超过90 dB(A) 。

4.1.10 N2 类、N 3 类运汹车、加汹车及03 类、0 4 类运油半挂车、加汹半挂车应安装有防侧翻控制系统,具备防侧翻功能

4.1.11 N2 类、N3 类单转向轴运袖车、加油车的转向车轮应安装轮胎爆胎应急安全装置.

4.1.12 汕车应装用子午线轮胎.

4.1.13 罐体与底盘采用螺栓连接方式的螺栓强度等级应不低于8 . 8 级,螺栓拧紧力矩应符合QC/T 518


4.1.14 汹车应配筑成部密闭装卸系统。余油量应小于或等于汹车容积的0 . 2% ,且应小于或等于0 .02 m 3.

4.1.15 1向车后部应安装行车导静电橡胶拖地带, 导静电橡胶拖地带应符合JT 230 的规定。

4.1.16 1山车应有驻车导, 静电装置, 驻车导静电装置至少选择以下一种:



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