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2020-12-07 10:20:01


Julie Etchingham:英国ITV新闻女主播,也被称为英国最美新闻女主播。





Goodness, I’ve got to live up to all that now. Thank you very much indeed, Vice chancellor, Professor Burgess, Professor Peterson. Ladies and gentlemen, fellows in the university and fellow graduates. Thank you very much indeed for making me so welcome today. It’s such a huge honour to be here among you all on such a special occasion for so many people and receive an Honorary Degree from such a great university.


When the envelope arrived from the Vice-Chancellor just a few months ago, it initially caused a little bit of consternation in our household, I have to admit. My husband Nick went slightly pale. He thought that it was from the sociology department chasing him for the 12 essays he’s owned them since 1985. Happy Anniversary, dear. So you can imagine my delight and his relief when we opened the envelope.


Leicester University and this city is a place close to both of our hearts. Nick, as I mentioned, spent his formative years here as a student, specialising in the study of football hooliganism and rigging student elections while I was swatting for my O-levels and yes I’m of that generation down at English Martyrs School just a couple of miles away from here.


Very recently, I was invited to the University by Professor Coles to come to speak to the history lab which was a lovely afternoon. And again, I got the most warm welcome here at the university. So this wonderful city where I was born and where I grew up, I still think of as home. And it’s quite simply where my roots are.


And just as many of you will be doing today, this special occasion is a good moment for us all to acknowledge our roots. It’s a chance to thank my parents who are here, who taught me the value of hard work. Not least by their own example, as they dedicated their professional lives to the children who are their pupils in Leicester schools.


And as you get older, your roots become more important to you I think. I learned my trait as a journalist here in Leicester and the skills I developed here on its streets, such as they are...the skills, not the streets, are still ones that I use today. After few weeks of making the tea at Radio Leicester, they let me out with a tape recorder on to the streets to do little interviews for some of the presenters and reporters there. They are known as vox-pops. I’m sure as many of you will know. Just to get people’s views on the topics of the day. Invariably, I’d be greeted with:”Ay up me duck.” “You’re a bit young to be out here, aren’t you?” The people took the time to talk as they as they always do in Leicester and I absolutely loved it.


One of the greatest honours of this job is simply to listen to people’s stories and then dignify them by telling telling those stories fairly and well. And one of the most important aspects of this job for those might be contemplating it. And people come to this job from all sorts of disciplines is not simply to give voice to the supposedly great and the good, but to give the voice to those who otherwise might not be heard. And I learned that lesson here in Leicester.


I also learned my city comprehensive that whatever your background, if you’re canny and prepared to work with initiative you will get where you want to be, and I know many of you will be contemplating the jobs market and what might lie ahead in the coming months. Don’t take NO for an answer and always say YES to an opportunity, even if you think you can’t quite live up to it. It helps to me most days of my working life, and takes the knocks when they come, because they will and make something positive out of them.


So as you all take your next steps in whatever careers might lie ahead for you, I wish you all the very best. It’s a great honour to be sharing this day with you. As a small example of how high you might aim. I’m going to quote you my son Leo who is here with his little brother James today. And it’s lovely to see them with my mom and dad.


I’m going to quote you Leo who at the age of 6 announced that he would like to be a judge. And I thought: Gosh! This is all looking rather good, isn’t it? What a grand ambition! And I gave myself a little pat on the back. And then he said:” on the Strictly Come Dancing.” So may I wish all the best of luck.


Thank you Professor Peterson, for your kind words today. Thank you also Professor Gunter who’s looked after me and this great honour. It’s privilege to stand alongside you all and alongside especially the graduates here who I know like me whatever you go will always carry a little bit of this very special city in your hearts. Thank you very much.






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