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2020-12-17 01:50:02



本试卷共 10 页,共 120 分。考试时长 100 分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。














As a child growing up 1 in England, James Reynolds was always excited by thunderstorms. Now, he runs straight towards them as a “storm chaser”. Specialising in hurricanes and volcanoes, Reynolds travels the world to shoot pictures of Earth’s most extreme weather events. The pictures are used by TV news channels around the world. It’s a 2 dangerous(danger) job though. He has almost been hit by flying window frames twice in the past 18 3 months(month). However, he says the chase is always worth it for the places he has been to and the brilliant people he has met along the way.



Amateur explorers have found what may have been the last undiscovered island on Earth. The island is round and about three quarters of a mile wide. It sits in the northern Pacific and is a place 4 where it’s neither too hot nor too cold. It’s almost completely flat and rocky. The island’s only distinguishing feature is a slight hill on the eastern side. After spotting the hidden piece of land in 5 whatfirst looked like an e-map fault, the group of friends 6 set(set) out in a boat to confirm what they’d found. They’re now running an online contest to name the island.



Poetry is a beautiful art form. Its power lies in the ability to transform ordinary experiences by capturing(捕捉) a moment or emotion. 7 Writing(write) poetry is a privilege and struggle, in part because we need to create in 8 ourselves(we) a new way of observing the world, capturing microscopic moments as materials for our work. Most of our time at the desk 9 is spent(spend) wrestling with奋力对付; 努力处理; 全力解决our imagination, and we know that a successful poem arrives on the back of failure. There are moments when an idea will not translate onto paper. Yet, failure is good, because every 10 abandoned(abandon) linewe painstakingly removeprepares us for the ripe poem around the corner. (然而,失败是好的,因为每一句我们费尽心机删掉的废话,都为即将到来的成熟诗篇做好了准备。)








Saving a Tiger Named Cinderella


On an icy day in February 2012, two hunters in eastern Russia discovered a limp bundle of fur lying in the snow. It was an orphaned cub(幼虎)!The cub hadn’t eaten in days, and was 11 A. weak/pale/sleepy/lazy enough for the hunters just to pick her up. Dr. Dale Miquelle, director of the Wildlife Conservation Society’s Russia Program, said, “A healthy tiger cub, even a three-month-old one, would give you reason to 12 D. pause/hide/hurt/wonder before you stuck your hand too close to its teeth and claws. But this cub had no13 D. fight斗志/ mercy/effort/will left in her.”


The hunters wrapped the cub in a coat and 14 A. delivered/ returned/guided/reported her to a local wildlife inspector, Andrey Oryol. Over the following weeks, Oryol 15 C. nursed调养/ taught/pulled/trained the orphaned cub back to health. But now he had a new problem: What could he do with an 16 B. energetic/ intelligent/excited/amazing three-month-old tiger?


The cub was an Amur tiger. 17 D. Only/Almost/Still/Even a small number of Amur tigers remained in the wild, so scientists wanted to return 18 B. rescued/newly-born/wounded/hunted cubs to their natural habitat. The orphaned cub was taken to a new wildlife center. The center was designed for raising wild animals without 19 A. exposing使接触/sending/offering/selling them to people. It uses hidden cameras and covered fences to keep workers out of20 B.sight/place/order/mind. That way, the animals don’t become 21 C.dependent/concentrated/defensive/keen on humans.

The cub, now named Cinderella, became the center’s first tiger. Over the next year, she grew into a big, healthy tigress. In the center, she learned to hunt. By the spring of 2013, experts agreed she was 22 C. ready/welcome/interested/eager to return to the wild.

They chose the perfect new 23 D. kingdom/continent/neighborhood/border for their tiger princess: the Bastak Nature Reserve. During the next two years, researchers watched Cinderella’s 24 A. progress进展/reaction/appearance/habitat. They set up cameras to snap photos. When Cinderella passed in front of one of these camera 25 B. traps/types/shots镜头/scenes , it took her picture. Cinderella not only 26 C. survived/succeeded/recovered/explored , but grew healthy and strong.

Then, in December 2015, the cameras 27 D. revealed透露/edited/expected/prepared exciting news: Cinderella had become a mother! For the first time ever, a tiger that humans had 28 C. raised养育/witnessed/traded/examined and returned to the wild had given birth to two cubs of her own.


Tigers are some of the most admired animals on our planet, but they are also 29 A. endangered濒危的/dominated受支配的/preserved受保护的/stressed有压力的. Thanks to the work of conservationists like Dr. Miquelle, there is new 30 B. hope/love/home/help for these magnificent cats.


11. A. weak B. pale C. sleepy D. lazy

12. A. hide B. hurt C. wonder D. pause

13. A. mercyB. effortC. will D. fight

14. A. delivered B. returned C. guided D. reported

15. A. taughtB. pulledC. nursed D. trained

16. A. intelligent B. energetic C. excited D. amazing

17. A. Almost B. Still C. Even D. Only

18. A. newly-born B. rescued C. wounded D. hunted

19. A. exposing B. sending C. offering D. selling

20. A. place B. sight C. order D. mind

21. A. concentrated B. defensive C. dependent D. keen

22. A. welcome B. interested C. ready D. eager

23. A. continent B. neighborhood C. border D. kingdom

24. A. progress B. reaction C. appearance D. habitat

25. A. types B. traps C. shots D. scenes

26. A. succeededB. recoveredC. survived D. explored

27. A. editedB. expected C. prepared D. revealed

28. A. witnessed B. traded C. raised D. examined

29. A. endangered B. dominated

C. preservedD. stressed

30. A. love B. hope C. home D. help




1. 表示感兴趣;

2. 你打算参加的原因;

3. 询问相关信息。


Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m from Hongxing Middle School, Beijing, China. I have heard about the summer camp for international students offered by your university. I am very interested in the project.要点一

I have been looking for opportunities to experience campus life in the UK, which will definitely help improve my English and deepen my understanding of the English culture. Therefore, I’m writing to you to learn more about the upcoming project in your university. 要点二

I would be grateful if you provide me with some detailed information. First, what activities will be included in the summer camp? Apart from this, I also want to know the exact time and fee for the camp. 要点三

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could give me an early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



注意:1. 词数不少于60;2. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。

提示词:物业 the management department


Last week, a rest station was set up at my suggestion in our community.



Last week, a rest station was set up at my suggestion in our community.

One day on my way home, I noticed several deliverymencrowding at the entrance to our community. At the sight of the workers who were sweating over the work, I suddenly came up with an idea. I decided to do something for them. 图一I went to the management department of our community and suggested setting up a rest station for those deliverymen. The manager listened carefully and thought highly of my suggestion. 图二

The next day, a poster was put up on the bulletin board in our community to call on people to donate. Many neighbors expressed their support and contributed some money. Some food and snacks were prepared soon. 图三

On Friday afternoon, I returned home after school as usual. To my delight, a rest station had been set up. Several deliverymen and one cleaner were having a rest at the station. Some were drinking water, while others were having fruits. Seeing the bright smiles on their faces, I felt a sense of achievement. What a meaningful experience! A small act of kindness can make a big difference. 图四+感受














作文年 800作文大全高中作文 那一次我真后悔作文600字 一段什么的旅程作文600字 我的一天 作文600字 生活中的美好作文600字 我学会了什么200字作文 我的理想工作 英语作文 童年生活作文200字 被男朋友打屁股作文 幸福在很近的地方等我作文600字 以春天为话题的作文200字 老鹰捉小鸡作文300字三年级 我看学校新变化作文 长大的感觉真好作文600字 美在不期而遇作文600字 读水浒传有感600字作文 我最喜欢的植物作文300字 关于春天的作文300字左右 五一劳动节作文250字 从那一刻开始作文600字 乡村生活作文400字四年级 我的家风故事作文400字 关于新年的作文600字 最难忘的一件事500字作文 心中一片月作文600字 是你改变了我作文600字 什么拨动了我的心弦作文 幸福的约束600字作文 20年后的我作文500字