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How Did Black Friday Get Its Name? 黑色星期五是怎么来的?

2020-12-29 07:25:01

When people emerge from residential hibernation the day after Thanksgiving, they pour into shopping centers. Consumers spent an estimated $59.6 billion over the holiday weekend in 2018, bolstering the bottom line for retailers like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and online outlets.

感恩节后的第二天,像在家里冬眠中一样的人们醒来以后,便纷纷涌入购物中心。 2018年假日周末,顾客们估计消费了596亿美元,为沃尔玛,塔吉特,百思买和在线商店等零售商提高了利润。

hibernation n. 冬眠;越冬;冬蛰;蛰伏。bolster v. 改善;加强;n. 垫枕(长而厚);

If Black Friday is such a financial benefit, why is it called Black Friday? That modifier was usually reserved for cash-draining events like the Black Thursday that precipitated the 1929 stock market crash or the 1869 gold market collapse that led to financial ruin.


It turns out that the label didn’t always have the positive holiday spending connotation it enjoys today.


connotation n. 含义;隐含意义。

沪江英语-在线学英语 考过四六级


Beginning in the 1950s, according to Snopes, employers and media began observing the trend of people calling in sick the day after Thanksgiving—traditionally not a paid holiday—to give themselves a four-day weekend. For businesses, that Friday was indeed bleak, as productivity slowed to a crawl. (Eventually, offices capitulated and gave employees the day off.)

根据Snopes的说法,从上世纪50年代开始,雇主们和媒体开始观察到一个趋势,人们在感恩节之后的一天(通常不是带薪假期)会打电话请病假,以给自己一个四天的周末。对于企业而言,周五的确令人沮丧,因为生产力下降了。 (最终,办公室屈服了,让员工们放了一天假。)

Snopes是美国一家专门核查并揭穿谣言和传闻的网站。calling in sick,请病假。bleak 英adj. 不乐观的;无望的;暗淡的;阴冷的;无遮掩的;荒凉的;索然无味的。slowed to a crawl,进展缓慢。

Law enforcement also had reason to be disgruntled with that Friday. With everyone skipping work and kids off of school, traffic in major cities became a problem. Police in Philadelphia who were forced to deal with logjams and work mandatory shifts to cope with the congestion started to dread the day. Again, the “Black Friday” label seemed appropriate.


logjam n. (河面上) 漂浮原木造成的阻塞;(因事情太多造成的) 困境,僵局。congestion n. (交通) 拥塞;塞车;充血;淤血。dread v. 非常害怕; 极为担心; n. 恐惧; 令人惧怕的事物。

Eventually, this negative term spread to media and via word-of-mouth. Retailers in Philadelphia even tried to rephrase it to “Big Friday” to avoid the association with disaster. But it was Black Friday that stuck. It soon became synonymous with record profits, and the term was permanently adopted for the frenzied rush of shoppers using their day off to get their shopping done.




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