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How did computer change our live_初中英语作文范文

2020-01-01 08:30:01

Today we have computers to use, it changes our lives in many different ways .There are two different main catalos, there are good ones and there are bad one. There are more bad ones than the good ones.

Before the computer where invented there are less cyberbulling or no cyberbulling at all. Now there are computer for us to use some people use computer to do good deeds some use computer to do bad things like cyberbulling. There are worse thing coming up, but for now I will said something good about computers. W e can use the computer for school work, jobs. When we are typing our work we can use the computer to help us to check for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. People use computer to hacking into other people’s personal information, like banking… They also steal/change other people identity/information. There are even worst thing coming up. People use computer to cheat in class for test, those are min computers that they can hide when teachers comes near. Some people use computer to trick kids and teens into meeting them and then they kidnap them. Now back to the good said of using a computer. Computer made storing information easier and getting information easier.

Different people may have different ideas on computers. Some people like computers other did not.



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