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高一英语下册必修三Unit 4练习测试题

2021-05-15 15:50:01

高一英语下册必修三Unit 4练习测试题


1._____ he said at the eeting surprised us greatl.

2. It has been fund ____plastics can be widel used in industr.

3. It wrried her a lt _________her wallet was lst.

4. Can u tell e________ that an was?

5. I wnder ____we can d abut the prble f pllutin.

6. I nw nthing abut her but___ she is fr Canada.

7. The reasn wh he has been such a success is___ he never gives up.

8.___is trubling e is ___I dn’t have an experience in this ind f wr.


1.Drining t uch ________ ur health.

A. is har t B is harful t C. des harful t D. har t

2. _____that ur daughter is well again, u n lnger have anthing t wrr abut.

A. Since B. Nw C. As D. Because

3. He _______his hang n shulder.

A. laid B. la C. lied D. lain

4. ---It’s ur turn _____the text, T.

---I’ srr I can’t recite it.

A. reciting B. t recite C. recited D. recite

5. When and where we _____the eeting ______still a prble.

A. have; are B. shall have; is C. had; is D. will have ; are

6. It wrried her a bit _______her hair was turning gre.

A. while B. that C. if D. fr

7._____she will be given the b is still under discussin.

A. Whether B. That C. If D. What

8. ______is a ain subect is nwn t everbd.

A. English B. That English C. The English D. What English

9. The supprt f the students_____ the lsing tea and the plaed harder, s in the end the wn the gae.

A. brught up B. cheered up C. grew up D. turned up

10. The lst their wa in the frest, and _____ade atters wrse was that the night began t fall.

A. it B. what C. which D. that

11. N ne can prevent the plan ______.

A. fr carring ut B. t carr ut C. being carried ut

D. t be carried ut

12.This b is _______fr a seven-ear-ld child t read.

A. t uch difficult B. t re difficult C. uch t difficult

D. re t difficult

13. The fact is ____cputers are f great aid t the develpent f science and technlg.

A. whether B. hw C. that D. what

14. He is sure t learn hw t repair the cputer____ if he cntinues wring hard.

A. in tie B. n tie C. ver tie D. at ne tie

15 Peple can’t affrd expensive things___ the prices f dail gds ging up.

A as B fr C with D since

16. It is reprted that the united states uses____ energ as the whle f Eurpe.

A as twice B. twice uch C. twice uch as D. twice as uch

17.----Hw lng are u staing? ----I dn’t nw _____

A That’s B Never ind C It depends D It desn’t atter

18The caera isn’t issing. It’s still____ where I ____ it a nth ag.

A lies; la B lies; laid C las; la D las; laid

19. That’s the best wa u thught f ____int dangerus areas.

A stpping peple t get B t stp peple getting

C eeping peple getting D preventing peple t get

20.ust because f his wn carelessness, he was ade t d it ____tie.

A the secnd B a secnd C secnd D a twice



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