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八年级下学期Lesson 81的教学设计模板

2021-06-26 16:45:02

八年级下学期Lesson 81的教学设计模板

Lesson 81教学设计示例

Period: The First Period

Properties: Tape—recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Aims:

1。 Knowledge aims

(1) Learn grammar:

① reflexive pronouns

Singular: myself, yourself, himself, itself

Plural: ourselves, yourselves, themselves

② past tense form of can, could

(2) Language focus

fall off, teach oneself, hurt oneself, learn by oneself, write down

2。 Ability aim

Make some sentences with reflexive pronouns。

3。 Emotion aim

Teach the students to try to do something by themselves, not always ask others for help。

Teaching Procedures:

a) Organizing the class

1。 Ask the students to get ready for class。

2。 Greetings between the students and the teacher。

3。 A duty report。

b) Revision

Call out two or three students to retell the story of the tiger and the monkey learned in the last period。

c) Leading—in

1。 Tell the students they are going to talk about what they could do when they were little。

2。 Ask students A:

You can ride a bike now。 Could you ride a bike when you were 5 years old? Help the students to answer “Yes, I could。” or “No, I couldn’t。”。

3。 Ask student B, C in the same way。

4。 Point out that “could” is the past tense form of “can”。

d) Practise

1。 Pairwork: Ask the students to talk with their partners and find out what their friends could do at the age of 4。 Write down their answers on the form on Page 31。

2。 Report: Ask the students to report their partners’ at the age of 4。

e) Read and act

1。 Presentation

(1) Draw a picture of Jim on the blackboard。

(2) Say “This is Jim。 Jim’s at home。 His father is at work。 His mother is shopping。” Repeat, then ask “Who’s at home? Jim。 Is his father/mother at home? No, Jim’s alone。 He’s all by himself。” Practise “(all) by himself”。

(3) Ask two students to open the door。 Then ask one of them to close it。 “Please close the door (all) by yourself。” Repeat with other students and other task。 Introduce “selves (ourselves, yourselves and themselves) ” in the same way。

T: Go around the class, asking “What do you want to buy your friend/yourself? What does he/ she want to buy his/her friend? What does he/she want to buy himself/herself? ”

2。 Students book: Page 31 Part One Speech Cassette Lesson 81。

3。 Look at the pictures, ask “What’s Lily doing?”

4。 Play the tape of the dialogue for the students to listen and repeat。

5。 Explain the language points:

(1) fall off

Be careful! Don’t fall off the ladder。

He fell of the horse and hurt himself。

(2) hurt oneself

Did she hurt herself this time?

(3) teach oneself: learn by oneself

Lily taught herself swimming。

She learnt swimming all by herself。

f) Homework

1。 Finish exercises on Page 97。

2。 Make sentences with reflexive pronouns。

g) Summary


1。 do 2。 hurt 3。 is 4。 can 5。 teach 6。 learn 7。 fall 8。 swim 9。 sing

Keys: 1。 did 2。 hurt 3。 was 4。 could 5。 taught 6。 learned/learnt 7。 fell 8。 swam 9。 sang



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