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2021-07-20 12:05:02




1. He thinks the fastest way to travel is by plane. (对画线部分提问)

________ does he think ________ the fastest way to travel?

2. Wang Ling can pass this exam. I can pass the exam, too. (合并为一句)

________ Wang Ling ________ I can pass this examination.

3. I sent a letter to you last month. (改为被动语态)

A letter ________ ________ to you last month.

4. Are you tied? My mother asked me. (合并为一句)

My mother asked me ________ I ________ tired.

5. "Can you help me carry the heavy box upstairs?" Mr White asks. (改为复合句)

Mr. White asks ________ ________ ________ help ________ carry the heavy box upstairs.


1. Lily, you did so ________ in the sports meeting. We are all ________ you.

A. good; proud of B. nice; proud for

C. well; proud of D. fine; proud in

2. When I found Miss Lin in the office, she ________.

A. fell asleep B. would be falling asleep

C. had fallen asleep D. were sleepy

3. I hear someone ________ at the door. Please go and see who ________ is.

A. knock; it B. knocking; it C. knocking; he D. knock; he

4. Look! A woman with two girls ________ the street.

A. are crossing B. is crossing C. are acrossing D. is acrossing

5. A businessman from Zhejiang Province plans ________ the first Chinese space tourist by paying $200000 ________ the 3.5-hour ride at the end of 2008.

A. become; to take B. become; take

C. to become; take D. to become; to take

6. Can you remember how ________ you were when the Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VI spacecraft (航天器)went into space? And how ________ it was when Yang Liwei, Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng told us about what they had seen on the trip!

A. exciting; interested B. excited; interested

C. exciting; interesting D. excited; interesting

7. "You ________ out the shoes in my size?" I asked ________ surprise.

A. sold; in B. have sold; in C. sell; with D. sell; for

8. When I ________ the farm, the children had finished ________ the apples.

A. reached; picking B. got; picking

C. came; picked D. arrived at; to pick

9. --Listen! Helen ________ in the next room.

--It ________ be Helen. She has gone to Ji’nan.

A. sings; won’t B. is singing; mustn’t

C. is singing; can’t D. sings; may

10. --What are you doing ________?

--I’m busy ________ my lessons.

A. lonely; review B. alone; having C. lonely; do D. alone; reviewing



Keys: 1. What, is 2. Both, and 3. was sent 4. if/ whether, was 5. if, I/ we can, him



答案是:What, is

2.Wang Ling和我都能通过考试。“两者都”用Both, and

3.直接考查被动语态,原句是一般过去时,其被动语态的形式是:was/were done,所以是was sent。

4.考点是宾语从句,因为从句的原句是一般疑问句的形式,所以引导词为if/whether翻译为‘是否’。宾语从句注意三个方面1引导词2从句语序3时态(主从时态一致)。所以答案为if/ whether, was。





be proud of 是词组,为····感到自豪。选C。

2.语意是,当我在办公室找到 Miss Lin时,她已经睡着了,是过去的过去,过去完成时,选C。

3.hear是感官动词,hear sb. doing 表示听见某人正在做某事,从BC中选;

当不知道敲门者是谁时,我们用it 代替he,一般是用“who is it?”来问,门外是谁呀?所以选B.

4.首先确定主语是单数还是复数,with two girls 是介词短语,可以先把它放在句子后面再来看,变为:A woman ________ the street with two girls.一目了然,主语是单数,排除AC,across与cross,要区分开,cross有动词‘穿越’的意思,可以变crossing.选B。

5. plan to do 排除AB;

pay $ to do /for sth.,选D。

6.excited 指人很兴奋,exciting 修饰物,是让人高兴的某东西。前一个空主语是you,用excited;后一个空主语是it,用exciting;选D.

7.第一个空是时态考点,体会一下,在我问这话之前,对方已经全卖光,所以用完成时,in surprise是固定搭配,选B.

8.表示到达的词组有:reach、arrive at(in).get to 这些后面直接加地点:排除BC;finish doing,选A。



10.lonely 表示心里很孤独,alone 表示现在的状态是一个人,并不表示心里。第一句话的意思是,你自己在干什么?

having my lessons 上课 (不能自己一个人从事,最起码有老师吧?)所以只选D。



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