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2021-08-03 09:20:02




The computer makes doing schoolwork easier for me than it was for my mom and dad. For example, when writing book reports and stories, I use Microsoft word instead of a pen and paper. That way, after my teacher edits my work, I can go back and make revisions without having to rewrite the whole thing. And Microsoft Word has a spell check! I use it all the time.

For English class, we’re reading The Outsiders, by S. E. Hinton. As a pre - reading assignment (作业), my teacher asked us to research teenage groups on the internet. I tried Google, Encarta, and Yahoo first, and finally found an article on Time. Com.

For a geography assignment on the United States, I used Encarta to learn about the Mississippi River. I needed to find out how deep the river is, how its widths and depths are different, what states it runs through, and what kind of fish live in it. I used the information to show how the geography of a country affects (影响) its economy. For example, the river’s trade paths, the number of fish caught in it , and the tourists it attracts (吸引)directly affect Southemers’ jobs and incomes (收入), Doing that, I had a lot of fun.

I never go to the library to do research. It takes too much time, Since I live in New York City and both my parents work, getting to the library isn’t always easy. For a big assignment or research project, I’d have to stay at the library to read, or sign out whatever books or magazines I needed. Being able to find the information in my own living room makes everything a lot simpler. Online dictionaries and encyclopedias (百科全书)also save time.

Sometimes, I think the computer spoils (宠坏) my generation because it’s so easy - at least physically. But computers are not like television, which does the thinking for you. You still have to use your mind. I prefer using a computer, because it has so many advantages.

1. Is it easy for the writer to do his schoolwork by using the computer?


2. What does the writer use Microsoft Word to do , read or write?


3. How much schoolwork does the writer mention?


4. Why does the writer never go to the library to do research?


5. According to the writer, what are the advantages of using the computer?



A. Would you like to see some old things with us?

B. I will help my parents do much housework.

C. When and where shall we meet?

D. How shall we get there?

E. What are you going to do?

F. Are you free tomorrow?

G. We’d better stay at home.

A: Hello, this is Kangkang here. Is that Helen?

B: Yes. Speaking.

A: Helen. The happy weekend is coming. 1

B: Yes. I’m not busy at all. I’ve already finished my homework.

A: 2

B: I’ve n0 ideas. What about you?

A: Let me see. We’d better do something interesting and helpful. 3

B: Certainly. Where?

A: In the new museum.

B: Oh, I remember. I heard of it last week. 4

A: By bike. It’s Saturday tomorrow. The traffic must be heavy, I think.

B: I agree. 5

A: At the gate of our school at nine in the morning.

B: OK. See you then.

Keys: 1. Yes. 2. Writing. 3. Four. 4. Because it wastes time. 5. It’s easy, fun and fast.




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