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2022-01-30 14:15:01



The person I admire most is not a rich man with great wealth, nor a great man, but an unknown grandmother.


In fact, this unknown grandmother is my next door neighbor, Grandma Wang. There are more than 20 residents in our building. If you tell her, she will help you do it properly.


Once, I ran to my home as soon as school was over. When I was about to open the door, I suddenly found that the key to our home was missing. I searched all my pockets, but I still couldn"t see the key. So I think of Grandma Wang. So I ran to Grandma Wang"s door and rang the doorbell. Grandma Wang opened the door for me and asked with a smile, "Yingshi, what"s the matter?" I said to Grandma Wang, "Grandma Wang, I left my key at home. Without the key, I couldn"t do my homework." Before I finished, Grandma Wang pulled me into her house and said to me, "son, you should first write your homework at Grandma"s house, and then you can go back when your parents come home." Grandma Wang knows that I haven"t eaten yet, so let me eat the noodles he made before I do my homework.



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