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2023-01-30 05:29:01




"Eat rice dumplings, rice dumplings!" Finally for my grandma this crisp sweet voice. I bid farewell to my dear friend, a raced home, straight standing beside my grandma yelled: "report, I'm back." Mother burn on my nose said: "you this is fast to catch up with the rockets." Laughter echoed in the yard.

Package I particularly like grandma's red jujube dumplings, sweet sweet, sweet, is really delicious. When one layer of WeiYe out, polished glutinous rice fragrance is becoming more and more strong to the nose, flow into my heart. Looked at the hands of zongzi, a white transparent, bright attractive. I can't wait to eat the rice dumplings, after a while, zongzi is only one Angle. "Son eat slowly, carefully chewing, to listen to my grandfather about the Dragon Boat Festival to you." Grandpa cattail leaf fan, the story begins: "do you know why we eat rice dumplings? Is in memory of the great poet qu yuan. In those days on May 5th, chu had been defeated by qin, qu yuan under the despair and grief into the miluo river and died. So it is the Dragon Boat Festival. Qu yuan after miluo river, the local people heard the news, immediately put the boat into the vastness of the dongting lake for saving. In order to show their grief, people swing the boat over rivers, then developed into the dragon boat race. People were afraid of the river fish eat his body, is coming home for rice into the river, so as to avoid spoiling the body of qu yuan, fish and shrimp and later became the custom of eating zongzi."




The Dragon Boat Festival, in my hometown is nothing very special customs, is that a few kind, eating zongzi, hanging moxa grass, and the family sit together to eat dinner. The only one who made me feel something special is that on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival in the hands of every child to take five colours - colored strand with a rope.

Five colours, said popular, is to use the five kinds of brightly colored silk thread woven rope. On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival is on your wrist, with avoid disaster. This is all but handed down from the older, also don't know what is the probe handed down from generation, asing if is had since god created.






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