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2023-05-03 02:11:02




At the end of 2013, when Beijing east road primary school class (1) one of the students are preparing for the final test, Liu Jincheng classmate is ill in hospital, but also is more than ten days, shed a lot of homework. As a parent, the in the mind is in a hurry the child's body, also worried the child's learning, afraid after the resumption of school can't keep up. The headteacher xue-mei zhu teacher in the busy work, special greeting calls, told the parents and children, don't try so hard to learn, set his mind at to keep good health is the most important. In fact, we for their heart was not completely at ease.

After classes Liu Jincheng recovered, we will ask him every day after school learning situation, found that although he because of falling sick a lot of homework, but they are very confident. Asked him the reason, he had a happy face, said Mr Zhu take time out to give him make up a missed lesson every day. To begin with, we all know that Mr Zhu as a head teacher and Chinese teacher, not only the job is busy, had to take care of their young daughters, how could take time every day to give Liu Jincheng make up a missed lesson? But such sweet "yeah," continued for several days. In the final quiz immediately, Liu Jincheng should say has obtained satisfactory results. This let us parents very touched, let affects the whole family a stone fell out of the land.





a teacher.

When we first meet as a teacher, I feel she is very like "the home has children" the second film in liu2 xing's classmate, jia jia, if she tied two thick twist braid again, that's more like, it is jia jia's version. Anyway, I think a teacher has a star face.

As a teacher in class is very interesting. On one occasion, they talk about the front of the verb is the third person singular, the verb to add "s", and "go" to "es", because "go" is a vowel "o" at the end. In order to make us easier to remember, a teacher told a joke: "' go 'brother,' es' is a sugar, brother to brother also want to follow, the elder brother a candy for the brother, younger brother, don't follow." We remember the key points in laughter.

Into the teacher USES the "classroom quiz to add red flag" of the new teaching method, make each class is interesting, vivid, fully arouse the enthusiasm of us to learn English, make the rising record in English in our class.

The teacher can I don't like?










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