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2023-05-05 02:32:04




New Year's eve

Years in vientiane update. Looking forward to, looking forward to, the footsteps of years finally close. At this time of renewing, winter girl with auspicious snow, dressed in a white silver gown, with a new look, with lightsome pace for the coming New Year.

On New Year's eve has come, we eat dinner together. The dish is delicacies on the table, chicken, duck, fish, meat, seafood... It's everything. Let's take a good position, and my brother to see there are so many delicious, can't wait to take chopsticks to find chicken thigh, see this scene, we burst into laughter. Aunt saw this, he said to the younger brother: "you haven't eat, you don't try so hard, when you eat, you eat again." Brother listened to, have to put down the chopsticks, sitting there, etc. Uncle to pour drinks, each a cup. Brother hurriedly poured out his uncle gave him a glass of orange juice drink, added: "I want to be yourself, don't drink orange juice, drink Pepsi." Uncle take he can't, had to pour himself, and said "be careful, don't fall overflow." Brother listen to hurriedly "bow". Then grandma announced: "dinner!" Everyone's move chopsticks, brother, mother said to him: "can eat now!" Aunt nodded. "Ha ha ha ha ha......" There was a burst of laughter. After a while, we see the somebody else all the fireworks, also want to put. Uncle seemed to see our state of mind, he took out his to buy fireworks, we just want to connect to come over, but he said, "eat dinner first, eaten can play." We listened to immediately ran back to position, exhaled to eat. Mother said: "slow down, don't cry." Everyone sitting position, talking and laughing, laughter echoed in the room!

Eaten dinner, I put the fireworks from uncle rob to come over and play with little brothers and sisters. We first put the palm leaf fan, I hang on "palm leaf fan" handle, quickly lit a fire, such as fuse pop up after the white smoke, followed by "Mars" toward the four winds, it's a pity that you didn't see, the scene is so wonderful! "Mars" is a colorful, especially inside also with colorful pearls; Put "astronaut", we also lit a fire, "astronaut" struck a spark, a green light, but also a matter into space.

New Year's festival said also said not, is not a poem sing to like this? Firecrackers in New Year's eve, the spring breeze gifts into the toso.





吃过年夜饭,我从叔叔那里把烟花抢了过来,和弟弟妹妹们一起玩。我们先放“芭蕉扇”,我紧紧握住“芭蕉扇”手柄,迅速点燃导火线,等导火线冒出了白烟以后,紧接着“火星”就射向四方,可惜你没看到,那一幕真是太精彩了!“火星”是五彩缤纷的,尤其里面还夹着各色的珍珠呢;我们还放了“太空人”,点燃导火线后,“太空人”就闪出火花 ,发出绿光,而且会一个劲儿的冲向太空。



For every Chinese New Year's eve must not strange, because he is the last day of the year, is also the proof of the New Year is coming soon. In China, even a seven or eight years old child can speak of a New Year's eve and visible Chinese love for New Year's eve. This is not to the New Year's eve.

"Du du..." Who was riding on the horn? I looked out of the window, oh, it's dad drove the car to take us home to eat meal. I hurriedly ran down, put on new clothes, sitting on daddy's car, and gladly go home together??

Along the way, I saw the face everyone hung joy; Saw their hearts; Having seen them laugh when they were reunited with his family. At this time of the day is so blue, the trees are so green.

Not for a moment, I just arrived home, see grandma and grandpa, grandma and grandpa met us, very happy, smile even broke into mouth. Our heart is also very happy. The adults there to chat, talk about next year's vision and plan. But I don't want to listen to, I already took the grandpa's grandmother buy fireworks playing with it. Point a match crackers, thrown into the lake, listen to "bang" sound, blasted flower, water splashed on the face, clothing, it doesn't matter on New Year's figure is pleasure; Point of a string of firecrackers, listen to or a burst of disorderly ring, sound too scared to go out, kitten doggie noise is cover your ears and it doesn't matter, the figure of the New Year is happy; Point a round flowers, listen to "hissing" sound, the sky across a beautiful arc, it doesn't matter, even hot hand figure is happy New Year.

Put for a while the fireworks, it is time for dinner. The whole family around a round table, a toast to others, bless you, don't mention how atmosphere! I also learn to adults, and elders to propose a toast, wish them have a long career, prosperous New Year. Each person's face is permeated with a smile.

After dinner, we together shou sui, watch Spring Festival gala. New Year's day, he stepped the 365th beats, coming to us, only the New Year's bell to fill the last note, "dong, dong, dong......" The New Year will movement, which has a perfect and we ushered in the New Year.

Is New Year's eve, it witnessed the coming of the New Year. Is New Year's eve, it is for our XX on the perfect full stop.












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