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2023-05-23 04:37:09


导语: 又是一年佳节至,我请快乐为你买票,请幸福为你开车,请健康为你护航,请平安伴你到家,祝你平安到家,合家团圆,幸福美满,吉祥如意。阿下面时候小编为大家整理的:除夕的作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


I don't like Chinese New Year, because of my home in nothing. What worship, prayer, for the gods, and I have never seen.

No, this year seems to be something of Trinidad and Tobago, eve. So, small New Year passed from rehearsal to live directly, but also boring. Eat first, serve fish or fowl all poured into the pot, the whole a hodgepodge. I saw this situation, this rushes past hungry stomach immediately "full" : such a big pot, can good? Besides, also can't eat! On the head, every day can only eat leftovers. The adults also not how to eat, chat, assiduously seems to no chance for a year all poured out all. We three children while staring at the television, houthi some food into the mouth, the grab a few almonds, hurried to slip in front of the television, that the adults that twittering noise ear hurts. Very easy to get to the finish, after withdrawal of dishes, is too lazy to wash. The next step is to send money, it's not a knock not kowtow, is given. Is just going through the motions, the last money, also not adults in Australia. Fireworks, two clutter random point, let's play with the body. Is this dog scared is broken, shivering in the nest.

Year is ordinary, and leaves grandparents big cousin and me. Night to cook a few rice cake, is a new type meters out of this year, very sticky, bite to swallow up half a day. Watch Spring Festival gala evening, according to the rules is to shou sui, it gives us reason to two children stay up late.








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