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2023-05-08 04:11:06




In recent years, due to the massive killing of people, many of the endangered species of wild animals, because humans cut down trees at random, destroy the animals living environment.

We and the earth's plants and animals, belong to the home. And killing of wild animals, we make animals extinct, in fact, wildlife is closely related with us. They maintain the ecological balance, make things can reproduce, so we should protect the wild animals

One story doing the rounds in Tibet.

A hunter he nameless, traveling, night Jiang Heyuan, hungry when the fire boiled mutton, drink a bowl of ice water when thirsty. Such a thing happened: early in the morning, he came out from the tent, suddenly see the opposite slope stand a Tibetan antelope pick. He was immediately poured into the drive, took that gun turned back to the tents. He looks up their guns, strangely enough, the fatness of the Tibetan antelope is not escape, just using the begging eyes looked at him, gave him two steps forward, plop 1 two front leg knelt down, and at the same time I saw two governor, tears flow out from its eyes. At this point the Tibetan antelope kneel nature is ask him to forgive him. The hunter closes both eyes, the trigger under his fingers move, the Tibetan antelope and fell to the ground. Lie is still kneeling, after it fell

The next day, the hunter put the Tibetan antelope gut skinned, abdominal cavity under the blade opens, he surprised to call out the sound... Originally in the belly of the Tibetan antelope, sat a small antelope, it has been forming, nature is dead. At that time, also didn't understand why the Tibetan antelope to kneel for yourself: it is for the hunter left their children's life! On the day of the hunter, dug a pit on the hillside, will the Tibetan antelope along with its not born child buried. From then on, the old hunter in northern Tibet grassland disappeared, no one knows.

Through this story tells us that animals and people are emotional, they also want to reproduce. But people in order to covet appetite, unexpectedly let the fierce tiger and rare animals such as pangolin, after a few shots, into a delicious food.

We want to communicate with animals and plants friendly, to create a harmonious happy life. Natural ecological protection and sustainable development of human beings have space, nature, humans will live, extension of generations, will also, let us jointly create ecological good bad border, create the human home!












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