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2023-05-15 02:12:11




Remember to see a report on the Internet, in the past, people in order to obtain precious black bear bile, the simplest method is to kill the bear, and bile. But now,

people invented a live bear bile tool, the black bear up and in the belly with this stuff, you can at any time the bile...

You see these words, many of my heartache, this would allow the bear bear much pain! But also the pain of some bears for their bile, become some mental disorders, often

bite her, and so some bears his PAWS to bite is broken. My eyes slowly emerge the voice of the black bear pain, struggle and the pain. His poor eye has not moved by the

cruel human, people still enjoy the black bears all things, is insensitive to the black bear screaming in pain.

I suddenly felt very angry, it is not often said animals and humans are equal? Not to say that to take to protect animals, animals? So why wait for things to the point

of irreparable regret, really wait to bear all over the world were dead will reflect on? Very few people actually now require bile, but people still take bear bile, not

for some nonsense of certain products, or for the sake of what? Does not belong to humans, animals belong to nature, it has no obligation to serve us, just as our

friend, since is a friend that why people even hurt it? Since animals also belong to the nature that it will have the right to life with us, aren't bullying is what we

should do? Since people claimed to be a senior animal, that you should do something to fit the title, it should be a good-hearted person, should protect animals, rather

than by more people humiliate them. And the nature of each animal plant is the one horn of the food chain, any corner without destroying the nature, change the nature,

to do so is also equivalent to their hurt. So, I hope people can stop this foolish behaviour, don't hurt the animals. Let animals enjoy the right to life, let them

happy life. Let them become our loyal friend!

Let us together to protect animals, protect the nature, do a good-hearted person!














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