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2023-05-08 04:17:05




Is a new term, can't, the thought of study plan, my mind is a new term these three words. Cannot be ignored in first of all, I think, to learn is to learn to analyze their learning characteristics, like I can comprehension, teacher speak something not understand, but it is always wrong, and for some rote learning can learn things always feel impatient, therefore, in this regard, I hope I can study in the new semester treated more seriously, more patient.

So I will from now on telling myself: don't wait until to the end of the new start is to look forward to the next new start. Depressed, afraid of bad grades, parents, teachers lament. The most normal troubles are our children. Back in school can't play all day long enough, the school is just like our intangible prison, bound with us. But in the long vacation, they are very want very to want to go to school.

The new semester again, in this critical period, I'm going to work, carefully planning every minute of it. Serious commitment to learning. There used to be a teacher said to me, "attitude is everything, with good attitude to face learning. Challenge yourself, believe in yourself, personally, I think people life time is limited, time and tide wait for no man, because this is the first time of my junior high school career, I won't let me in every time, earns the right side of every minute.

In junior high school, I want to get rid of the elementary school some bad temper, for example: in elementary school when I don't love to talk, never raise your hand to answer questions in class, the teacher also and I can't, so my expression ability is not strong, especially in the Chinese reading questions often write nothing feeling, plus I sometimes absent-minded in class, the language of the result is not ideal. I have a huge problem, it is sloppy. Mother often tells me don't be careless, but I just put it as a fallen on deaf ears, think that this isn't the problem, as long as the exam seriously. Can be or not to drop the habit in the exam, mathematics often copied wrong number, so the mathematics also rarely high score, and I don't love think seriously about the class, the class didn't love to concentrate on learning, so the result has been ranked behind others.

Long-term goal is to enter my ideal university, in fact, my goal, there are many may not realize, but I'll do my best ability to do it. , of course, I understand that this is not plain sailing all the way, it always give me hope to dim and delight, builders of learning.










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