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2023-05-20 04:23:04




Fall off, mother, aunt and sister and I went to hangzhou play "carnival", entered the door I was attracted by the colourful scenes to. There is a terrorist, stimulation, fresh, fun game is countless.

I sit a tall, but not to stimulate the ferris wheel, experience stimulus and fresh surfing, looking for a way out, the haunted house, coin, singular, duck and many other games.

Is the most interesting, terror, breathtaking, Asia's largest haunted house, had not yet come into the door I was in front of the skeleton of the devil frighten nerve-racking, out of curiosity I and aunt together will go in and see just how horrible. The results of terror than I thought it would be more than ten times!

A black of the house into the haunted house, plus terrorist music, has scared me half to death, I hugged close aunt, carefully moving forward, atmosphere all dare not out, all of a sudden, I saw a ghost hand touched someone else, I hurriedly with stop walking, but who know the handle is made of bones of the dead, that's terrible! Also did not return to absolute being, a snake drill out from the inside of the bucket, opened his mouth, like to eat you. Fortunately, there is a ghost still calculate you is a friend, he is wearing a suit, constantly bow to you, as if to say: "this is a game, don't be afraid." I have been scared daylights out, plus a timid, where to have the courage to continue playing the second pass! Until after coming out, I'm still in shock, I was haunted house games scared for a long time have not settled down to! But I did not regret.

It was a horrible trip to the "carnival", and fresh, exciting and happy! Children, where there are a lot of games waiting for you! Have the opportunity to go and play!










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