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2023-05-20 07:02:03


导语:每一样动物都有属于自己的感情,动物跟人之间也是一样的,今天小编为大家整理了:动物的感情英语作文 ,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Cannot be separated from the relationship between people and animals, in the human world, there have been many animals with human touching story. Let me the tour guide to lead you to the animal and human emotion!

By the 77 - year - old man with a dog for 18 years, the old man died, the dog was after the strange master, plunged into the river to follow the host. This matter, let the horse red ling bar street community rich clothes store on side of rich wishers.

On side of the rich, a few days ago a white lady to the store, ready to make a dog model, demand is more like better. Chat a few times after that, she was in complete dead father's wishes.

Ms white's father died not long ago because of illness, the old man has been living alone in more than 20 years, with his sons and daughters all day long in order to give his boredom brought a dog, just arrived home only a year old. Since then, the dog was the old man's closest "friend", two people not only daily companions, but also with eat to live, what's so good, the old man would offer half for the dog, the dog is faithful to his own master, no matter where the old man, it's all follow step. Handguns for nearly 20 years later, the old man is old, the dog also became old dog, children listen to father heard that, if not, must be kind to the old dog.

Not long ago, the old man died due to illness, from the day, he walked the dog hasn't had a bite of something, every day on the host's bed, motionless, let lay in front of what good things, also determined not to eat. "We suspect it is to want to my father, decided to take the dog to go to the cemetery." The white woman said. Then, when his father burn, family with the dog came to the graveyard, unexpectedly, after two laps around around the owner's graveyard, the dog was plunged into the side of the river, never to come out. "At that time, we are freaked out, who also didn't expect there to be that to happen." White, says ms, to react to save in the past, it was too late. "We are so touched, have never thought, the animal also can have so deep feelings, and would make such a decisive action. So, we decided to make a model to burn to father, let the two of them can accompany each other in another world."


Animals also have emotions; Animals also have a heart; Animals are like people! The dog, is endowed with human nature by host? Or nature? I am a very like dogs, because see the loyalty, see the natural, saw the kind, weak in the human nature of society, although we always hear advocate human nature. Cats don't bully kitten, dogs don't bully dog, only people bully the weak.












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