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2023-05-20 07:45:03


导语:我要感谢我的母亲,感谢他给了我版规的生命。在十二年前十一日八日,母亲正在手术室里生我出来。虽然我没有看到这一情景,但是我已经知道妈妈已经满头大汗,辛苦地把我带到这个世界来。所以,我要感谢我的母亲。 那就记录下来,编写成英语作文吧。欢迎阅读,仅供参考的,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网的栏目!


Mom, is the one who give me life. I love my mother, because she not only gave me life, and also the warmth of my life.

I have thought, what kind of smile is the most beautiful smile in the world. I found, is a mother to care of their sons and daughters, smile.

In my newborn, eyes open, for the first time I saw the smiling face, that kind of security saw her children was born, gratified smile.

When I was just learning to speak, always couldn't say for sure that mother will raise the warm smile, patience taught me, I will learn very quickly. Only I know, I was encouraged by the smile.

When I was in elementary school, because of age small, always catch everybody to learn footsteps, mother will show that smile, let me in the warm sunshine, efforts to move forward.

When I was nine years old, I remember, I because of one examination didn't test good and sad for a long time, I thought his mother would scold me, I didn't think my mother had only said 1 work hard next time, can't forget the smile on her face made me for a long time, because it is a kind of believe I smile.

Later, when I was in junior high school is still a great help to me, but I have entered the adolescence, there are some sentenced inverse, and sometimes show a little impatient, but mother is still smile, make me feel some shame. Remember the time, I have a problem not to do, want to for a long time in the room, as mother came in, just want to say a few words, can be turned and saw the warm smile, just to the word of mouth and pharynx back, smile for the smile is a kind of care about.

When I was eleven, I know I've hurt my mother. That day, my mother came to see me as usual, I because a bad mood, said his mother, and I saw the smile, is just the kind of smile took it for granted.

Mother of that kind of smile I'll never forget not to drop, is the sort of warmth into my heart smile.

My mother helped me, and I have good grades; Mother warm smile that helped me, make me feel incomparable affection.

I love my mother...
















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