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2023-05-28 03:08:02




In social life, we will play different roles, but often every role comes with a responsibility to save. Is because of the responsibility, we just had power; Also because of this dynamic driving us to move forward, we can enjoy the happy conscientious.

Responsible to oneself, to enjoy the joy of success, "the biggest enemy is yourself. We often think of this sentence; We can identify with, often in "the" and "shouldn't" around. We often sigh for the failure, but don't know in "the" and "shouldn't" lost many conscientious opportunities in the trade-offs. In learning, what do you really have done according to the requirement of the teacher! Whether you can study in a noisy meditation? If your answer is yes, then you will taste the fruits of victory, because "god reward those who work hard"!

Responsible for the family, enjoy the hug sweet pleasure, everyone wants to have a warm and happy home, because home is the harbor of love. We are eager to happiness, also must understand oneself is responsible for the family. As children, we must be filial to parents; As parents, do take care of children, strive for the livelihood of the family. If we can do, then we will enjoy unlimited warmth in the harbor of love: the kitchen food miles "" aroma of green tea appear attractive bright green of the sitting room, a study in the us in the" hard fighting "...

Responsible to society, enjoys the joy. You use your life to make minus the world for you, is your life's wealth. Many PingDanDan range for a lifetime, a dozen years as our ability to live, no return to the world, or to accept more than returns from the world. University students, but also have to be a teacher in Tibet after accepting for so many years, unwilling to ordinary light, had chosen to pay youth, give up to learn to repay society, so from that moment on, they who fulfill their duties in a, in a "debt". No material wealth, but spiritual wealthy enough to allow them to enjoy life! We are paid at the same time, have the right to return, but do not ask for! Only in this way pay makes sense! Will see the flower of life bloom colorful light!

Sigh of failure should not belong to us, spiritual trauma should not belong to us, tears of regret shouldn't belong to us! We pursue the smile of flowers! So, to, conscientious, enjoy happy life!







After countless hours, put down his pen, is night. Rubbing his sore right hand, and a cup of fragrant teas, took a book, feel refreshed. Although the person is in grade, but reading is still a part of my life. Is it, let my life and wonderful!

* love for Jane get real happiness and happy, also for "teacher heel dead" cry of zhuge liang. Even when passing by, but the writer's characters, still welcome to sorrow, deplorable state. This is the magic of reading alone. Is reading, to alert the to me when I am happy, let I don't get carried away. Is reading; Give me comfort when I low-key, let me don't give up easily. Is reading, to me when I am confused with direction, let I won't get lost, this is to read. I learned hard in reading, I learned and progress. It let the life become infinite

Reading brings not only knowledge, is more of a previous experience with more person. Holding a book, will herself in the book, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, away from the right and wrong in the world, and meditation into the book, the natural reading enriches the mind, have a good feeling every time. Despite a lot of books instead of tools -- TV, computer, but they cannot bring the peace in the wonderful people.







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