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2023-05-31 03:28:05




Basketball is a very good sports, but recently came from another planet several devil basketball into a terrible movement, the earth the person sent to their battle, NBA basketball team thought will triumph, but the result is a big surprise, the score should be 0:20 0. The NBA basketball player are no match for them. Then lived on another planet many cartoon characters, has a queer, Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, snoopy... When they heard the news vowed to help the earth the person to defeat the devil. Because the devil team has five people, so they are prescribed henceforth only by five people to play basketball. Can be queer only four of the strongest players, where to find a player? They worry when I open the air ship ", "xin wei 6 to fly to them, I walked down the spaceship said:" I fought with you, together to defeat the devil." And we would in a spacecraft take off to the planet's largest basketball court. As queer they walked into the basketball court, and I saw from the basketball court to come out of the NBA players are injured, even uncle yao Ming was injured, everyone was so angry at this moment, the more strengthened our goal of "beating the devil".

It's our turn to play, Donald Duck said: "the big bad Wolf, although come, we are not afraid!" Devil heard great anger way: "little duck, I'll turn you into halogen duck, duck." While they are cursing, I put the hong seven dragon 18 zhangs played out, see the ball dropped into the net, "three" I shouted happily, Mickey Mouse said: "don't be too proud, you see." I looked back at Donald has been flattened. Mickey Mouse rushed up to revenge for Donald Duck, instead will be badly hurt, only I, queer and snoopy, we work, cooperated with fit method, three people into a flying dragon, with a solar storm big trick score into 62:62, queer team still don't give up, to make out all of the trick, with 100 degrees into the queer, make the devil vertigo, queer and shouted: "quick, strike while the iron is hot." I stepped on the snoopy's shoulder, for a dunk, suddenly turned into a 65:62. "Time to" the referee's whistle rang, we win, we hug each other, shed tears of excitement.

The next day, the queer team sit the ship returned to his own planet, the five devil? Of course being sent back to belong to their planet, and they shall not be entered the earth half step.





In the basketball, it is an indispensable part of my life.

Since in the first, I began to fall in love with the basketball, every school always straight to the playground, play basketball in groups.

Why I suddenly fell in love with the basketball? I discovered that basketball has several benefits:

1, can relax mood when playing basketball, because the pressure of the heart was released. Whenever you encounter not happy thing, want to go with my classmates in playing basketball on the playground, the in the mind of the sad will suddenly disappeared, many will be in a good mood. Playing basketball also can make oneself more self-motivated, more active and lively, cheerful...

2, playing basketball, the most important thing is to learn to unity and love of the collective. The most taboo is the blame. If there is no team spirit to play basketball, even personal technology again good also will lose. So playing basketball can cultivate themselves as a unite classmates, love the collective.

3, playing basketball can make many friends. The ancients cloud: no discord, no concord. Because of basketball, I know a lot of good friends. We not only in basketball, can also help each other in study and life.

4, playing basketball can also exercise the body, strengthen physical health. Exercise an hour every day, health work fifty years. Because of basketball, I seldom play the game, the character became cheerful. So their unconsciously slowly fell in love with it!

Fall in love with the basketball, you will find more interesting than happy farm!












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