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2023-06-01 04:27:03




"Don't wait until after one thousand, all people have forgotten me, is that a red sunset in the desert, can anyone, solve old one thousand lonely..." Whenever hear the sound of the jj Lin that comfortable, melodious music and songs, sometimes I can't help but think: "my future is what look like? Is full of frustrations, is full of joy, is full of success, or full of failure?" The topic said too far. In the future, is so far away from me, talking about the future, it will only appear in my fantasy.

A look at the meaning Lin, inadvertently think of the word "writer". See writers and masters in a book published articles, very conspicuous. I tried several times to write articles, voted for the draft. One article was published, and the payment. Really, not because of being interested in writing, the writing inductive and write, but to a kind of writing interests, the payment. And now I want to be a writer, not for the payment and fame, but because of who I am writing an article is my interest, I like to write articles.

By accident, I saw harry potter in the bookstore, the sixth book open on see, are in English. I haven't read side yet, not bottom go to. My English level is good. But from that day on, I was thinking when I can translate an English novel or essay, because I have a strong interest and curiosity in English, forcing me to translate the article, I grew up as a translator.

Since the first two are suddenly thought of, be a doctor is my primary school has been thought of career. The doctor is to heal the wounded and rescue the dying, to alleviate the pain of others, make lost item double bright person into sight; Make people close to the edge of death to rebirth. The pain becomes happy people. , all this stems from a doctor has a pair of brains and a pair of dexterous hand full of wisdom.

In the future, I don't know that my future is bright or dark, is a success or failure, it is full of risks or rain or shine. But one thing, my future is bright and brilliant!







Every day to listen to the sound of the clock "tick" "tick", each time saw under the sun, will always find the footprints of some time, it slowly closed gate, I thought to my space on a handful of big chains, past memories fade, the children playing outside all day also slowly began to learn, because they understand - create your own future!

Old story, bring me spiritual comfort; The future of the world, lit the fire of hope, gave me motivation. My body is in the "today", is "yesterday" and "future", I'm going to have a good grasp, create a better future!

After the test failure, we need to look back, the success of the road in the future, need to keep efforts. The future road of success, however, might it not learned his lesson yesterday? Everyone accept failure is the mother of success, so they are not from this Angle?

Sometimes, we will think of past story, every time I think of, the heart there will always be a kind of inexplicable excitement; When successful, we will think of all the process to overcome difficulties. Isn't it? People who want to continue to struggle and efforts, to win a better future!

Every time when watching TV, see thrilling or excited, the tempo of TV will slow down, and then presents the memories. Isn't this look back yesterday?

I think, as adults, see those innocent and lively children, will can't help but think of his childhood. Because, everyone has the opportunity to look back on yesterday, there are also looking to the future of power.

But today in the us? What to do? Looking back on yesterday, is to learn, know how to cherish; Looking to the future, is to exercise the courage and confidence, strengthen faith. Watch today, seize today, in the "today", let's struggle together, flying dream together!











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