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2023-06-02 03:16:03


导语:现在的手机多高级啊,彩屏的、翻盖的、滑盖的、打的通的、打不通的。 下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文。希望对大家有所帮,欢迎阅读,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


Nowadays many middle school students carry mobile phones during school hours. Is it necessary? We had a big discussion.

Most students think mobile phones can help them keep in touch with their friends and family. Also carrying phones is a way to be cool.

But most teachers think differently. They say using mobile phones during school hours often causes lots of problems. Firstly, students are so young that they don’t have self-control. Secondly, they waste too much time playing games and sending text messages on the phone, that will influence their study. Thirdly, carrying phones to school may make students vie with each other.

In my opinion, students shouldn’t carry phones during school hours because It has more disadvantages than advantages. Students should learn to use mobile phones at the right time.






With the improving of our living standards, almost everyone can afford a mobile phone. Mobile phones have become increasingly popular in China. Wherever you go you can see people using mobile phones. However, just as the saying goes,"Every coin has two sides." When we enjoy the convenience of the mobile phone, we also face many problems.

To start with, mobile phones have brought us a lot of benefits, but the most significant is that they are convenient when mobile phones in our hands. We can keep in touch with anyone at all times and places by using mobile phone. Mobile communication transcend the space and the time, making the world into a global village. In addition, we can query information and learn new skills through the mobile Internet. So as to broaden our horizons and it is more conducive to our study. Furthermore, if we have a traffic accident or get lost, a call to the emergency hospital or to the police can quickly bring us the help we want. Timely assistance may let us out of danger or change danger into safety. These are some of the advantages of the mobile phone to us.

There is no perfect thing in the world, so is the mobile phone. The first disadvantage is that the mobile phone game is easy to let people indulge them, which leads to students neglect their studies. At the same time, more and more people are suffering from near-sightedness due to the long time to see the phone screen. More seriously, some people use it to cheat money or steal personal information and privacy. On the other hand, the radiation from the mobile phone is very bad for our health. For instance, two Russian researchers have done an experiment: a raw egg placed in a ceramic cup, then placed two mobile phones on both sides of the egg and used one of the mobile phone to dial the other mobile phone, keep the call state and 65 minutes after the raw egg was cooked by the mobile phone electromagnetic radiation. It's just too bad.

As far as I'm concerned, only when we learn to handle mobile phones actively and skillfully, can we promote the favorable and avoid the unfavorable and fully enjoy the benefits of mobile phones to us. For example, we should be the master of the mobile phone to use it to study instead of becoming a slave to the mobile phone games. Taking into account the dangers of mobile phone radiation, when we make a long time call we can use the headset, etc. I believe as long as we are able to use the mobile phone correctly, its advantages will not noly offset its disadvantages, but also far outweigh them.








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