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2023-07-01 06:08:03




In recent years,Wechat is becoming increasingly popular.Many people express themselves,exchange ideas and deliver information by Wechat.

There are a number of reasons for Wechat to be known.To begin with,Wechat is a relative cheap way of communication,which cuts down a great deal of the cost of making a phone call.Next,Wechat is to the taste of the majority of people.Its attractive interface and various functions are loved wildly.Furthermore,convenience also accounts for its popularity.It is available everywhere and at any time.

However,problems exist meanwhile.Firstly,our identity can be revealed when we use Wechat.As a result,we can be in trouble.Moreover,it may make communicating with others face to face less.To make the matter worse,relationship could break down.Last but not the least,our attention might be drawn too much to focus on study.

That’s all.There is no doubt that Wechat will improve as time goes by.


In recent years, with the development of economy and network, the blogs is popular with the majority of people, the number of people can easy to express their inner voices and the thought of communication and so on.

There are a lots reasons of the popularity of blogs. Firstly, someone who want enter blog Is an easy thing, itneed not take much time and money, you can write your individual thoughts without rigid control. Secondly, blog has powerful influence, such as share openness.Thirdly , the openness of blog decides it has rich application, people can pick up knowledge and share information and so on. However, present blogs may exist negative influence. Some people pass on bed information and lead to bring a lots negative influence to peoples life, and network could be violated by someone and so on. Therefore, we should take measures to protect it and that can promote harmonious society.




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