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2023-08-26 05:35:07


Write a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic "Attitudes Towards Life". your writing should cover the following points:

1. different attitudes people hold towards life

2. the benefits of holding a positive attitude

3. ways to develop a positive attitude towards life

There are different attitudes people hold toward life,which determines their future in some ways.Some people are returned pities and regrets on their negative attitude.On the contrary,some of people are positive when they are face to life. They ere always so energetic and enterprising that they have access to finish most of tasks well.Life returns color to those people who have positive and optimistic attitudes toward life.

Now that positive attitude can lead us a better life,how can we develop a positive attitudeFor one thing,we should hold a dream about future to provide our life a clear direction.For another,it is necessary for us to be confident,which is the energy of life.When it burns ,life is lighted.Perhaps the beauty of life and whether we can find it have great influence in our attitude towards life,so we should keep peace in our heart to find the beauty of life.

If we can do like that have been mentioned above ,better life will size us tightly.




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